A Real Change

Those who are not able to build we try to give them a home which is a real challenge for us.

Our Strength

It takes nothing to join the crowd, it takes everything to stand alone. So be a fountain not a drain.

Donate & Help

Your Small Donations Make A Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So please donate and help us.

Full Inspiration

We admire your compassion and commitment to assisting others. You are always willing to help us


Help With Featured Cause

Educate Children In
Rural Areas Our Priority

Ever since I was a little kid in primary school I’ve watched kids slip through the cracks and fall out of the education system due to poverty. That’s why education is our first priority.

  • 1.3K
    Finished Projects

    We have already built 1.3k schools all
    over the world to educate children.

  • 5m
    Donated Money

    Donate money to build more schools
    and help to educate them.

  • How We Work
  • A Clear Vision
  • Goals Achieve
  • A Clear Vision

Make Rural schools a priority

Poverty is concentrated in many rural sections of the country, just as it is in metropolitan ones. Teachers and principals in rural schools have a particularly tough time finding and keeping jobs.

  • To overcome the level of poverty
  • To make the nation literate
  • To make the world a better place
  • To make the poor people happy..

Donations with help of our partners,
Bigger impact on education!

Poverty is concentrated in many rural sections of the country, just as it is in metropolitan ones. Teachers and principals in rural schools have a particularly tough time finding and keeping jobs.

  • To overcome the level of poverty
  • To make the nation literate
  • To make the world a better place
  • To make the poor people happy..

Donations with help of our partners,
Bigger impact on education!

Poverty is concentrated in many rural sections of the country, just as it is in metropolitan ones. Teachers and principals in rural schools have a particularly tough time finding and keeping jobs. sit voluptatem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

  • To overcome the level of poverty
  • To make the nation literate
  • To make the world a better place
  • To make the poor people happy..

Donations with help of our partners,
Bigger impact on education!

Poverty is concentrated in many rural sections of the country, just as it is in metropolitan ones. Teachers and principals in rural schools have a particularly tough time finding and keeping jobs. .

  • To overcome the level of poverty
  • To make the nation literate
  • To make the world a better place
  • To make the poor people happy..

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Community of diverse people

We Fight Illiteracy

Community of diverse people

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Community of diverse people

We Change Your Life & World

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Every Child Deserves
Proper Education And
Health Facilities

Your Small Donations Make Bigger Impact On Someone’s Life, So Act Today!


We Change Your Life & World


News & Happenings



Komunitas Perdagangan Simalungun (KPS) – Yayasan Prima Unggul

Sebagai hadiah menuju ulang tahun Yayasan Prima Unggul (YPU) yang ke-14, adalah hadirnya komunitas baru sebagai salah satu langkah nyata […]



Perform di acara Asia Pacific Business Forum

Asia Pacific Business Forum (APBF) adalah sebuah acara internasional prestisius yang menyatukan para pemimpin industri, pengusaha, profesional, dan narasumber terkemuka […]



YPU Tampil Memukau dalam Acara Moderasi Beragama di Hadapan Wakil Menteri Agama RI

Pada hari Jumat, 11 Oktober 2024, Yayasan Prima Unggul (YPU) kembali menunjukkan komitmennya dalam melestarikan budaya dan memperjuangkan semangat kebersamaan […]